Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Legal System Is Guilty!

Who are folks actually angry with, Casey Anthony for being acquitted of murder, or the judicial system and its cohorts for their lack to exhibit proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Anthony murdered her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee? All this courthouse melee and folks shouting, “We want justice,” should be redirected to the State prosecutors who fucked-up! The State of Florida should put those incompetent bastards on trail for wasting taxpayers' money.

In the meantime, Anthony could Barely Blink, when she discovered that she was acquitted. A tearful Anthony deserves an Oscar for her real-life Joan Crawford performance in, I Murdered Caylee, That Little Bitch!

Copyright® 2011 Barely Blink. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Princess Diana Digitally Aged?

The media seems to be enamored by Newsweek’s so-called creative, but, unflattering photo of Princess Diana [what she would look like at age 50] standing next to Kate Milldeton, Duchess of Cambridge.

The concept is not only a royal mockery, it is downright creepy! I am sure the Duchess of Cambridge would prefer to preserve images of her decease mother-in-law as the woman she was, rather than the woman she would be—as depicted by these Newsweek bullshit artists.

If I was the CEO of Newsweek, I would fire the mindless idiots who created the photo, and have that cover pulled before anyone could Barely Blink!

Copyright ® 2011 Barely Blink. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mr. Trojan Horse

Strauss-Kahn, you’re the man! But you fu*ked-up! You fashioned yourself for a Greek Emperor who tried to truss his Trojan horse into the wrong city. She’s a lady, not a subservient French whore. What did you expect?

I heard prostitution is perfectly legal in France, but this is America, buddy. You would need to assume a Bad-Boy alias, like, “Client 9,”“John ‘Dick-Shit’ Edwards,” or “Bill ‘Cigar-Butt’ Clinton.” It’s too late for that now. It looks like you are about to get a U.S. Government Suite at Riker’s Island (RI), befitting to house all of your hotel dreams, with a slew of RI inmates willing to support them. Dude, you are going to Barely Blink when those RI inmates enter Troy with their wooden horses!

Copyright ® 2011 Barely Blink. All Rights Reserved.